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A Seat at the table

This speech post was at a pre-placement talk at the MIT School of Design, which I never got to give, since we had to rush into recruitment activities. I wanted to give this post its moment in the sun.


Masquerading, lying and stealing

This post is about my experiences as a design leader, building and growing a digital studio practice and learning important life lessons along the way


Are you nocturnal? Here’s how you can ease Into an effective morning routine

People who have known me for most of my career (and life) know that I am a nocturnal person. So a lot of eyebrows were raised, when I told people that I have been following a morning routine. This is how it went down.


The case to groom more introverted leaders

Leadership has traditionally been perceived for the extroverts, but I here document my take on how it can be changed to be more inclusive.


How to request for upward leadership feedback, like the Genie from Aladdin

In a pre-pandemic time, I understand Feb-Apr is when leaders seek upward feedback in most orgs. In a bid to shake things up, I sent upward feedback survey requests in the only format I knew - creative writing.


Pluralsight Free April Announcement!

My courses, along with all video courses on Pluralsight, are free all month!